Donations accepted 9:00am-5pm at the front door.
Our Community Drop-In Center is a a safe and comfortable place for people in need of food or shelter to come inside, get warm, have a simple meal, and experience community.
Located in our office space in downtown Newberg, we offer coffee, food and a listening ear. A phone, a computer, charging station, and WiFi are all free to use. Visitors can get their mail, referrals to local resources, and the following:
We have packaged, shelf stable food and lunch bags "to go" and we often have homemade soups, casseroles and baked items from people in the community.
(Hats, Umbrellas, Gloves, Scarves, Socks)
In partnership with local partner Love INC, we receive donations of these items to help people who struggle to keep warm. Those who come into our Drop-In Center are welcome to pick them up as needed.
Emergency Clothing
Multiple thrift stores in Newberg allow us to give store vouchers to our DIC guests for clothing when there is a need; as well as a few items of clothing are available at the DIC.
Personal Care and Hygiene Products
Through generous donations from the community we are able to provide soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, razors, feminine hygiene products, and other toiletry items.
Kitchen Set-Up Ministry
The Kitchen Ministry is open to supply kitchen items to people with need. Love INC refers people to us for things like pots, pans, dishes, silverware, etc. These type of items are donated by people in the Newberg Community.
How you can get involved:
- Donate any of the items above
- Collect donations from your church, school or community groups
- Donate funds for the purchase of basic supplies
- Come visit and support our guests
When and where:
Visitors and donations are welcome during our regular hours:
Hours: M-F from 9 am-5 pm
Location: 504 E. 1st St., Newberg, OR
For more information:
Community Drop-In Center Facebook Page Facebook